Tuesday 28 February 2012

February 2012

Major Falkland Deployment – News that the DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE had deployed to the Falklands was greeted in the Argentine press with much fury and some apparent confusion as the sobriquet WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR was in use in the media.   Who would have thought that a young SEA KING pilot, albeit a future King, would that have much effect, as it he were seemingly an Aircraft Carrier, which we do have, despite him title, and which we not have anything like that capability for another eight (long) years, at least.

The real deployment of interest, announced unusually early, is the despatch of the new Type 45 Destroyer DAUNTLESS in March (2012) to the South Atlantic to rotate and replace the Type 23 Frigate MONTROSE, on station since October 2011.   Previously the Type 42 Destroyers have regularly rotated on South Atlantic Duty, but as these ships are being withdrawn the DAUNTLESS and her sisters are the only available alternative.   As with all new ships when deployed, they represent a capability enhancement, but is hardly the stuff of the media front pages as this is no more than s natural and long planned development – not sabre rattling, though it must be said the timing is very convenient for the UK Interest, but when the DAUNTLESS sails the Duke of Cambridge will have completed his brief tour of duty in the Falklands!

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