Saturday 3 November 2012

MOD Oil and Pipelines Agency – the little known Government Agency and their partners including Cornwall County Council, Plymouth City Council and the emergency services, has recently carried out an impressive exercise at the MoD Fuel Depot Thanckes (Torpoint, Plymouth).

The activity was all part of the MOD led exercise to rehearse the emergency plans in the event of a spill from the oil depot with the exercise scenario involving a simulated fuel release from a split hose at the depot.   The diesel fuel oil was initially contained with inflatable booms as it was driven up river by wind and tide towards the River Lynher, but was prevented from spreading into the Lynher.   The thin film of surface oil was then dispersed within the boomed area by the movement of tugs and removed through a combination of a suction machine and soaking floats.    The exercise was headed by Queen's Harbour Master who has the responsibility for ensuring the free and safe operation of military traffic in the port of Plymouth.

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